POTUS and Melania at Daytona 500 02-16-2025

It's gonna be a good week for Trump as this bronzer app photo reveals.  Obviously attending the Daytona 500 is right up Trump's alley, as he is in his element when the unquestioning adoration rains down from the believers without ceasing.  His bronzer reflects his confidence in this environment that will spill over into the coming weeks agenda. No doubt he got mandated help from Melania for this weekend event, because there is no way she was going to stand on the oval with him sporting a shitty paint tan. I mean, get real, her motto is "Be Best". The bronzer thickness and shade matches her bare arms, and all areas of his face are covered, even his earlobes look decent. Absolute proof of her involvement.  Also notable in this photo below, Melania almost let's Donald brush against her hand. For any man near 80 with a hot younger wife, you KNOW how exciting this can be. Sooo close. They are both thrusting their chests' out, with a noticeable arching of the pelvis and lower spine, known scientifically in the animal kingdom as "lordosis". Read more about it here https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/lordosis-behavior. For the most part I don't believe in science, generally it's crap, and I just follow my gut, like in this blog. In no way am I even implying that humans are animals or even related to primates. Nevertheless, it's an interesting read. Anyways, to sum up, nice bronzer job this time POTUS. You look like you just came off the golf course with another victory. Even Vlad would approve.

    On the Bronzer scale, we rate this a solid 6, near "stable genius" level with a tinge of "I might go wacknut."  
